Last night we introduced ourselves again and told the circle our favorite thing we did last week. After we all participated in the flag ceremony and fun songs, Heidi read the first chapter in our journal. We met the three BFFs and listened as they discovered a lone daisy in a garden full of weeds. After a delicious cupcake celebrating Madison and Mckenzie's birthday, we went back inside to start on our crafts. We talked about being honest and fair (light blue petal) while we made our own giant daises and pipe cleaner bracelets. By unevenly distributing the color beads to our girls, they had to figure out who had more/less and how to distribute all the bead evenly amongst themselves.
Upcoming events- We will be starting our own garden project very soon. Our investiture ceremony will be in the upcoming weeks where our girls will earn their blue circle for the daisy and their insignia with pins, and possibly a petal (all depends on what we get done the next couple weeks!). A field trip to Clayton PD and possibly City Hall is in the works for our Respect Authority petal. Also you should have already received an evite from Heidi regarding the Kiddie Walk on Oct.10th. This is a "if you feel like it" event. Please do not ever feel any pressure from us for the random get togethers we schedule. We will let you know when the event is important and we will apply pressure at that point!