Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Friday, October 29, 2010
There is an upcoming Girl Scout event where your daughter(s) could earn a fun patch and see a new movie. Please view the attached flyer and email Brandi if you have any questions.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Our field trip was a lot of fun. We met a little before our tour started and went over the rules on how we should act in a place of business. Our girls had great ideas on how to be well behaved and followed thru with their ideas. We started our tour out with Hank Stratford (Clayton Mayor) and learned all about City Hall, its history and met everyone who helps run our city. We then met Dan Lawrence, our Chief of Police who showed us all around the station and had his fellow officers explain in greater detail their jobs, job duties and weaponry. It was a great trip that ended with the girls receiving police badges for their tunics.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Tonight was a great meeting! We were so busy that I forgot to take pictures of the girls having fun. We had a special guest helper, Caitlyn, Kayleigh's older sister. She was a HUGE help and is welcome back anytime!
As the girls arrived, they decorated their cloth bags while waiting for the meetings to start. Please remember to have your Daisy use this bag for every meeting! It will make it easier for their little hands to carry everything home to you. At 6:10, we started the meeting with our flag ceremony. The girls are really understanding our rituals and behaving so well for this. During first circle, we talked about our upcoming field trip and learned about 911. We talked about why we would use 911, what an emergency would be and than we role played for a little bit with one girl lying on the floor hurt while another one pretended to call a 911 operator (Miss Heidi) and what to say to them. We encouraged the girls to review their home addresses with you in case they ever had to make that call. We discussed authority figures and who they are in their lives. Our girls had great answers, with my personal favorite being Parents! We then played a quick game of Who Am I?, one Daisy held up a picture of an authority figure (without looking at it) and the other girls had to give her clues so that she could guess who she was holding.
We had three activities going on tonight. With me, the girls worked on Thank You cards for the Clayton PD and City Hall for our field trip on Wednesday. With Caitlyn, the girls colored wooden daisies that are meant to go into their grass pots. **FYI - No one had any luck with their grass, Heidi and I figure we either had bunk seeds or bunk dirt. We are going to make another attempt at gardening. In your new bags, we sent home some Marigold seeds (to go along with our journal story). Directions on how to plant and care for them will be at the bottom of this post** And with Heidi, the girls made tissue covered pumpkins in honor of Halloween.
After a delicious snack, we had our ending circle and discussed the songs we should sing for our carolling adventure at Diamond Terrace. The girls decided on Jingle Bells, Rudolph, Deck The Halls, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.
Just a reminder, please meet outside of Clayton City Hall at 2:45 on Wednesday. This field trip is helping our girls earn the magenta petal (Respect Authority).
MARIGOLD PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS - Carefully take your marigold seeds and place them on the top of the soil in the pots. Marigold seeds are long and light like a tiny blade of dried grass so when you handle marigold seeds be careful that you do it in a place that is not breezy. Marigold seeds are very light and can blow away easily. Even your own breath can blow them away. After you have places the marigold seeds on the soil pat the top of the soil with the seed in it lightly so the seeds get covered with soil slightly. Then water the seeds carefully so the seeds don't wash away. A very light sprinkling works well with marigolds. Keep the seeds watered so the soil never dries out and you should soon have little plants growing in your pots. It is important to keep the plants in the sun after they have sprouted. A good window with sun shining through it will work well or a sun lamp that is on for about half the day is good.
FYI - You will see in your Daisy bag an invitation to a Halloween party from another troop here in town. This is not a mandatory meeting but those who do go will receive a sister troop patch from the other troop. Please do not feel obligated, it is just a kind gesture from that troop.
As the girls arrived, they decorated their cloth bags while waiting for the meetings to start. Please remember to have your Daisy use this bag for every meeting! It will make it easier for their little hands to carry everything home to you. At 6:10, we started the meeting with our flag ceremony. The girls are really understanding our rituals and behaving so well for this. During first circle, we talked about our upcoming field trip and learned about 911. We talked about why we would use 911, what an emergency would be and than we role played for a little bit with one girl lying on the floor hurt while another one pretended to call a 911 operator (Miss Heidi) and what to say to them. We encouraged the girls to review their home addresses with you in case they ever had to make that call. We discussed authority figures and who they are in their lives. Our girls had great answers, with my personal favorite being Parents! We then played a quick game of Who Am I?, one Daisy held up a picture of an authority figure (without looking at it) and the other girls had to give her clues so that she could guess who she was holding.
We had three activities going on tonight. With me, the girls worked on Thank You cards for the Clayton PD and City Hall for our field trip on Wednesday. With Caitlyn, the girls colored wooden daisies that are meant to go into their grass pots. **FYI - No one had any luck with their grass, Heidi and I figure we either had bunk seeds or bunk dirt. We are going to make another attempt at gardening. In your new bags, we sent home some Marigold seeds (to go along with our journal story). Directions on how to plant and care for them will be at the bottom of this post** And with Heidi, the girls made tissue covered pumpkins in honor of Halloween.
After a delicious snack, we had our ending circle and discussed the songs we should sing for our carolling adventure at Diamond Terrace. The girls decided on Jingle Bells, Rudolph, Deck The Halls, We Wish You A Merry Christmas, and Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.
Just a reminder, please meet outside of Clayton City Hall at 2:45 on Wednesday. This field trip is helping our girls earn the magenta petal (Respect Authority).
MARIGOLD PLANTING INSTRUCTIONS - Carefully take your marigold seeds and place them on the top of the soil in the pots. Marigold seeds are long and light like a tiny blade of dried grass so when you handle marigold seeds be careful that you do it in a place that is not breezy. Marigold seeds are very light and can blow away easily. Even your own breath can blow them away. After you have places the marigold seeds on the soil pat the top of the soil with the seed in it lightly so the seeds get covered with soil slightly. Then water the seeds carefully so the seeds don't wash away. A very light sprinkling works well with marigolds. Keep the seeds watered so the soil never dries out and you should soon have little plants growing in your pots. It is important to keep the plants in the sun after they have sprouted. A good window with sun shining through it will work well or a sun lamp that is on for about half the day is good.
FYI - You will see in your Daisy bag an invitation to a Halloween party from another troop here in town. This is not a mandatory meeting but those who do go will receive a sister troop patch from the other troop. Please do not feel obligated, it is just a kind gesture from that troop.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Just a reminder that while we are technically selling magazines and nuts (NO PRESSURE, we do not want any one to feel like they have to sell something!), your daughters can earn two patches and a sparkly peace sign coin purse just by providing the Girl Scouts with 12 email addresses and 12 home addresses. You can actually use the same people for this! I finally did this last night and it was so simple. I decided to break it down for people who might be feeling overwhelmed or just plain busy with life.
In the packet that Sandy provided to us, there is a home address booklet. By filling out the address booklet, your daughter will receive a CREATE OPPORTUNITY patch and the coin purse. Added bonus, our troop will receive $2 for every booklet that is completed. The Girl Scouts do not sell addresses so your friends and families will not be receiving any extra junk mail. I emailed the following email out last night to give my family a heads up and to make sure there were no objections to receiving our sales packet.
This year Maggie decided to try being a Daisy which is the beginning of Girl Scouts. Maggie is trying to earn a CREATE OPPORTUNITY patch but more importantly to her, a pink sparkly peace sign coin purse. By mailing you a package of the magazines we are selling, she will earn these two items. I just want to let you all know that we do not need you to buy anything!! If you want to, then that is fabulous but even if you don't she still gets her patch and purse. All she needs to do is mail you a catalog of magazines that are up for grabs. Please let me know if you are not interested and we will find someone else to send our junk mail too! Seriously, you are under no obligation to buy anything, she just needs your home address. And the Girl Scouts do not sell addresses so you don't have to worry about receiving more junk mail. Please let me know if there are any objections....
Next in your packet there is a sheet about the QSP Online Program. This is where you provide 12 email address and your daughter will earn the CAPTURE YOUR DREAM patch. Again the added bonus is our Troop will receive $2 for every 12 email addresses that are provided. I sent the same email out to 12 other people (but you can use the same)
This year Maggie decided to try being a Daisy which is the beginning of Girl Scouts. Maggie is trying to earn a CAPTURE YOUR DREAMS patch. By emailing you a link to the magazines we are selling, she will earn this patch. I just want to let you all know that we do not need you to buy anything!! If you want to, then that is fabulous but even if you don't she still gets her patch. All she needs to do is email you a catalog of magazines that are up for grabs. Please let me know if you are not interested and we will find someone else to send our junk mail too! Seriously, you are under no obligation to buy anything, she just needs your email address. And the Girl Scouts do not sell addresses so you don't have to worry about receiving more junk mail. Please let me know if there are any objections....
Once you have your 12 email addresses go to the following website and follow the directions
Its a little extra work for us parents but the girls love to collect as many patches as possible so please take a half hour out of your day to do this.
The packet with or without sales is due back by October 19th. Please return them to Sandy, Heidi or myself.
Thank you!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The following is the snack schedule. If you do not see your name on here, please leave a comment or send Heidi or Brandi an email regarding what day you would like to volunteer for snack. Thanks!
October 22 - Karen
November 5 - Patricia O.
November 19 - Dana
December 8 - Investiture Ceremony - Potluck - More details to come...
January 7 - Janice
January 21 - Sandy
February 4 - Laura
February 18 - Dana
March 4 - Patricia O
march 18 - Heidi
April 1 - Janice
April 15 - Sandy
April 29 -
May 13 - Heidi
May 27 -
June 10 & June 24 meetings could possible be combined into a large end of year meeting.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Meeting Recap
As the girls arrived, we previewed Chapter 2 in our story books by asking the girls to draw what they would like to find if they were digging in a garden. We opened up our meeting with our Flag ceremony and then our circle. During circle we practiced our "I'm A Little Daisy" song and we reviewed who the main characters were in our story. Then we read Chapter 2 in our Daisy books. They were great listeners! We also practiced the girl scout promise. We talked about being honest and fair (light blue petal) again and to really drive home the message, the girls had an egg hunt. This egg hunt was tricky because each girl was allowed only 5 eggs and then they had to wait for everyone to have their 5 before they could check out their treats. Needless to say our girls did great! Not only did everyone collect only 5, but everyone helped each other find their eggs.
We came back inside after the egg hunt to start our 2 activities. Outside with Heidi, the girls planted grass seed in their own individual pots. This is the beginning of learning how to Be Responsible for What I do and Say (orange petal). Please water your mini garden everyday and make sure it is placed in a sunny spot. Inside with Brandi, we did a fun pumpkin sticker activity in honor of Halloween. The girls loved getting their hands dirty and dealing with the glittery stickers!
After snack, our Daisy sister Kayleigh surprised the group with our first patch! The BFF patch should be sewn on the back of the tunic on the upper right side, near shoulder. THANK YOU KAYLEIGH for thinking of all of us and we are proud to be your BFFs!
Upcoming events- We will be starting our own garden project as soon as we locate a vessel for it to grow in. Our investiture ceremony will be sometime soon (possibly December with a fun potluck dinner). Our girls will earn their blue circle (knowing the girl scout promise) for the daisy and their insignia with pins, and possibly a petal or two (all depends on what we get done the next couple weeks!). A field trip to Clayton PD and City Hall (Respect Authority - magenta petal) is scheduled for Oct. 27th at 3 pm. We will meet outside of the Clayton PD building at 2:45.
Homework - Please have your entire Daisy Journal completed up to page 31 and bring it to the next meeting.
Thank you again to Karen for arranging our new meeting place. The girls were so much more focused in a neutral territory and we really got a lot done in a short period of time.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Until further notice we will be meeting at the Dana Farms Pool Cabana for our Daisy meetings. The address is 1244 Classic Way, Concord, CA 94521. A huge THANK YOU to Karen MacPherson for arranging a FREE neutral meeting place for us. We are still on the lookout for another neutral place so that we can alternate places and not take advantage of the good people of Dana Farms.
Please note that we will use the already established meeting sheet for snacks now. The date that you have marked for hosting a meeting, now turns into you being responsible for bringing a snack. We will provided cups and water, you will need to bring the food. The less crumbly the better since we are in charge of cleaning afterwards!
We will see you all at 6 on Friday. We encourage you all to take advantage of the hour or so of free time to get groceries, coffee, goof off on your Iphones, etc! Your daughters are in good hands!
Friday, October 1, 2010
We have some exciting times coming up! Please mark your calendar for the following events...
October 27th - Tour of the Clayton PD and Town Hall at 3 pm.
December 17th - Caroling at Diamond Terraceat 3 pm. We were also invited to play Bingo with them afterwards if you are so inclined!
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