In the packet that Sandy provided to us, there is a home address booklet. By filling out the address booklet, your daughter will receive a CREATE OPPORTUNITY patch and the coin purse. Added bonus, our troop will receive $2 for every booklet that is completed. The Girl Scouts do not sell addresses so your friends and families will not be receiving any extra junk mail. I emailed the following email out last night to give my family a heads up and to make sure there were no objections to receiving our sales packet.
This year Maggie decided to try being a Daisy which is the beginning of Girl Scouts. Maggie is trying to earn a CREATE OPPORTUNITY patch but more importantly to her, a pink sparkly peace sign coin purse. By mailing you a package of the magazines we are selling, she will earn these two items. I just want to let you all know that we do not need you to buy anything!! If you want to, then that is fabulous but even if you don't she still gets her patch and purse. All she needs to do is mail you a catalog of magazines that are up for grabs. Please let me know if you are not interested and we will find someone else to send our junk mail too! Seriously, you are under no obligation to buy anything, she just needs your home address. And the Girl Scouts do not sell addresses so you don't have to worry about receiving more junk mail. Please let me know if there are any objections....
Next in your packet there is a sheet about the QSP Online Program. This is where you provide 12 email address and your daughter will earn the CAPTURE YOUR DREAM patch. Again the added bonus is our Troop will receive $2 for every 12 email addresses that are provided. I sent the same email out to 12 other people (but you can use the same)
This year Maggie decided to try being a Daisy which is the beginning of Girl Scouts. Maggie is trying to earn a CAPTURE YOUR DREAMS patch. By emailing you a link to the magazines we are selling, she will earn this patch. I just want to let you all know that we do not need you to buy anything!! If you want to, then that is fabulous but even if you don't she still gets her patch. All she needs to do is email you a catalog of magazines that are up for grabs. Please let me know if you are not interested and we will find someone else to send our junk mail too! Seriously, you are under no obligation to buy anything, she just needs your email address. And the Girl Scouts do not sell addresses so you don't have to worry about receiving more junk mail. Please let me know if there are any objections....
Once you have your 12 email addresses go to the following website and follow the directions
Its a little extra work for us parents but the girls love to collect as many patches as possible so please take a half hour out of your day to do this.
The packet with or without sales is due back by October 19th. Please return them to Sandy, Heidi or myself.
Thank you!
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