Girl Scout Promise

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lotsa Recaps!

Valentine Party was a huge success! Parents and kids were happy with all of our stations and hard work. Thank you Heidi Brown for organizing the day for us. A bigger thank you for leaving your sick baby to help end the meeting. The girls were so happy to see you!

Feb 18th Meeting - During our last meeting we introduced the Orange Petal, Being Responsible For What I Say and Do. Heidi and I explained what this meant, performed a skit to show what it means and then went around the circle with each girl sharing an idea of what the petal means to them. Over the next couple meetings, we will be doing various things on how to be responsible. One station that night was to make our Responsible Hands Chart. Please being this back to us at the March 4th meeting! Hopefully you all had some Responsible Hands helping you around the house over the last 2 weeks. Our other station was fun and simple bracelet making. To reinforce being Responsible For What I Say and Do, we stressed to the girls to not reach around others to grab a bead that you want. We asked them to use their words and manners if something was out of their reach, and for their friend to politely hand them what they want. It's so rewarding to see our girls listening, learning and being polite to one another! We ended the meeting with a couple of games. Heidi and I are learning that by Friday night, all of our girls are a wee bit tired and not that focused when we do more than one station. We have found over the last couple of meetings that they really enjoy starting or ending the meeting with fun old-fashioned games.

Thinking Day - Thinking Day was a blast! Our girls loved trading their pins and receiving other Troop's SWAPPS. It was a ton of fun traveling to different countries, sampling different foods and learning about other cultures.

Cookie Sale at Safeway - While I missed the sale due to sick child, Heidi called and informed me that everyone had a good time and that we sold A LOT of cookies! Way to go Daisies and Daisy Mommies!! Thank you all for giving up a part of your Sunday and a BIG THANK YOU to Sandy for taking care of the nut/cookie sales! This is a huge job that we so appreciate you doing.

See you all on Friday!

FYI - Our meeting on March 18th is cancelled. We have a field trip to the Clayton Library schedule for March 16th at 3:30. Let's meet in front of the library at 3:15.

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